Monday, October 01, 2007

the truck

The bother comes to town yesterday to pick up the VOD for 2 weeks
He’s going hunting…she’s going to stay with the boy and the girl
Although why a 16 and 17 yr old would need the grammo to stay is beyond me

But the VOD wants her car while she’s up there
Cos the bother is driving a 2007 Toyota Tacoma truck
Which results in me driving the truck for the next 2 weeks

I gotta say
I’ve no idea why someone would spend that much money on
A vehicle that rides like a tank
The front seat is tiny…
The leg room is negligible
And I feel like
The princess and the pea driving it

Course by the end of the 2nd week
I should be rather depressed to go back
To a 17 yr old VODmobile…

It has a V8 in it
so it should cost me a month's rent
for gas for the next 2 weeks....


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