Friday, February 27, 2009
Sunday, February 22, 2009
A Walk down Memory Lane or...
the soundtrack of your life...
I've had this conversation before
hence my comments on this
"Deadline Dames" post
and it started again on FB today
and wanted to share more here
ya know how there are things
in one's life
that immediately transport you
back to certain times and places in your life?
for me music is always the catalyst for the visuals
I remember the year I turned 12
my family traveled to Toronto
from the wee town in NWOn
we were stationed in at the time...
the fellow that owned the the car
owned one 8 track tape
Herb Albert and the Tijuana Brass - "A Taste of Honey"
and when I hear it now
I'm 12 and sitting between my father and the driver
neither of whom were small people
or the summer holidays
with the old original portable cassette player
sitting on the dashboard
of the VW Van my father drove
and my brother and sister
and mother and I
singing at the top of our lungs to
Simon and Garfunkel's "Bridge Over Troubled Water"
The Band's "Stage Fright"
that we'd recorded
from the speakers using
the portable microphone
that came with the cassette player...
I can remember with complete clarity
what was on the radio the day of the car accident
that changed my life (and my face) forever....
David Essex singing "Rock On"
I'd just moved back to Thunder Bay from Montreal
and Rock On had been number one all summer
I remember what music was playing
the day the police came into the bar
to tell me that Michael had been killed...
Van Halen's "Jamie's Crying"
or the day I signed the papers
to give my daughter up for adoption
Eric Carmen singing "All By Myself"
or the day that man stabbed me in the airport
Alice Cooper singing "I Never Cry"
or the weeks leading to my maternal grandmother's death
Enya's whole "WaterMark" album
or the resultant wake held in a pub
up the street from her house...
where 20-30 of my cousins
and myself sang
Don McLean's "American Pie"
at the top of our lungs
in homage to her
I remember the tunes
playing in the bar the night
I met the man
that resulted in the best sex of my life
Stan Rogers "Barrett's Privateers"
and the one playing the day
I met the man that resulted in the worst.
Men at Work - "Down Under"
I remember the songs playing
the day they told me I had cancer
Tears for Fears - "Shout"
and the day the told me I'd have no more children
Foreigner's "I Want to Know What Love Is"
I remember the night John Lennon died
I was working in a bar listening to
Matt Minglewood singing "Can't You See"
I remember the songs attributed to good friends
Billy Idol's "Mony Mony" for Little Lori Lost
long time friends
Golden Earing's "Radar Love" for the Vezzies
(where ever they are)
the day I met Sweet Pink I listened to
Matchbox 20's "3AM" all day long
and all the songs that remind me
of the people that are friends no more.
(I'll just leave that one lay for now.)
there's many many more
but suffice it to say...
I remember the songs
attached to all
the momentous occasions
in my life
do you?
I've had this conversation before
hence my comments on this
"Deadline Dames" post
and it started again on FB today
and wanted to share more here
ya know how there are things
in one's life
that immediately transport you
back to certain times and places in your life?
for me music is always the catalyst for the visuals
I remember the year I turned 12
my family traveled to Toronto
from the wee town in NWOn
we were stationed in at the time...
the fellow that owned the the car
owned one 8 track tape
Herb Albert and the Tijuana Brass - "A Taste of Honey"
and when I hear it now
I'm 12 and sitting between my father and the driver
neither of whom were small people
or the summer holidays
with the old original portable cassette player
sitting on the dashboard
of the VW Van my father drove
and my brother and sister
and mother and I
singing at the top of our lungs to
Simon and Garfunkel's "Bridge Over Troubled Water"
The Band's "Stage Fright"
that we'd recorded
from the speakers using
the portable microphone
that came with the cassette player...
I can remember with complete clarity
what was on the radio the day of the car accident
that changed my life (and my face) forever....
David Essex singing "Rock On"
I'd just moved back to Thunder Bay from Montreal
and Rock On had been number one all summer
I remember what music was playing
the day the police came into the bar
to tell me that Michael had been killed...
Van Halen's "Jamie's Crying"
or the day I signed the papers
to give my daughter up for adoption
Eric Carmen singing "All By Myself"
or the day that man stabbed me in the airport
Alice Cooper singing "I Never Cry"
or the weeks leading to my maternal grandmother's death
Enya's whole "WaterMark" album
or the resultant wake held in a pub
up the street from her house...
where 20-30 of my cousins
and myself sang
Don McLean's "American Pie"
at the top of our lungs
in homage to her
I remember the tunes
playing in the bar the night
I met the man
that resulted in the best sex of my life
Stan Rogers "Barrett's Privateers"
and the one playing the day
I met the man that resulted in the worst.
Men at Work - "Down Under"
I remember the songs playing
the day they told me I had cancer
Tears for Fears - "Shout"
and the day the told me I'd have no more children
Foreigner's "I Want to Know What Love Is"
I remember the night John Lennon died
I was working in a bar listening to
Matt Minglewood singing "Can't You See"
I remember the songs attributed to good friends
Billy Idol's "Mony Mony" for Little Lori Lost
long time friends
Golden Earing's "Radar Love" for the Vezzies
(where ever they are)
the day I met Sweet Pink I listened to
Matchbox 20's "3AM" all day long
and all the songs that remind me
of the people that are friends no more.
(I'll just leave that one lay for now.)
there's many many more
but suffice it to say...
I remember the songs
attached to all
the momentous occasions
in my life
do you?
Saturday, February 21, 2009
this is way way spooky....
I got this thing from Kat on "crackbook"
and just for shits n giggles I decided to do it...
so I followed the instructions
and I kid you not...
I picked the random page in Wiki,
the last 3 words of the last quote on the quotes page
and the 3rd random pic in Flickr Commons....
and I got...
"I start fires" by Sandy Cove (pic below)
too damn weird if ya ask me....
To Do This (this is way spooky)
1 - Go to Wikipedia. Hit “random”
or click
The first random Wikipedia article you get is the name of your band.
2 - Go to Quotations Page and select "random quotations"
or click
The last four or five words of the very last quote on the page is the title of your first album.
3 - Go to Flickr and choose the third photo in Flickr Commons since they're copyright-free: e
Third picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover.
4 - Use Photoshop or similar to put it all together.
and just for shits n giggles I decided to do it...
so I followed the instructions
and I kid you not...
I picked the random page in Wiki,
the last 3 words of the last quote on the quotes page
and the 3rd random pic in Flickr Commons....
and I got...
"I start fires" by Sandy Cove (pic below)
too damn weird if ya ask me....
To Do This (this is way spooky)
1 - Go to Wikipedia. Hit “random”
or click
The first random Wikipedia article you get is the name of your band.
2 - Go to Quotations Page and select "random quotations"
or click http://www.quotationspage.
The last four or five words of the very last quote on the page is the title of your first album.
3 - Go to Flickr and choose the third photo in Flickr Commons since they're copyright-free: e
Third picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover.
4 - Use Photoshop or similar to put it all together.

Friday, February 20, 2009
the dr says...
the peepers
are getting better
I must be patient
I had an allergic reaction to my last meds
I can now go get a new Rx for new glasses cos the infection is cleared up enough to make the Rx true
he also said he's from South Africa and he's rarely seen eyes as infected as mine were and that I'm lucky to have retained my vision without further damage (which makes me wonder if I shouldn't have a talk with a lawyer about the GP that kept telling me it was in my imagination)
I'll have to put drops in my eyes likely for the rest of my life...but the kind I'll have to use is over the counter "viscose" ones (unless my eyes get worse and then it's about steroid Rx's again) and I just have to try till I find one that works right for me...
so trial and error for a bit - and to be cognizant of the headaches cos them becoming migraines are a sign the infection is back
I asked him if I was ok to ride
and he made me promise to wear good eye covering...and said don't overdue it
he sounds like you think a dad should eh?
so I stopped at the other eye dr on the way to work and he did a new Rx for my peepers and the ladies are bringing in some frames for me to look at....
that's my story
the peepers
are getting better
I must be patient
I had an allergic reaction to my last meds
I can now go get a new Rx for new glasses cos the infection is cleared up enough to make the Rx true
he also said he's from South Africa and he's rarely seen eyes as infected as mine were and that I'm lucky to have retained my vision without further damage (which makes me wonder if I shouldn't have a talk with a lawyer about the GP that kept telling me it was in my imagination)
I'll have to put drops in my eyes likely for the rest of my life...but the kind I'll have to use is over the counter "viscose" ones (unless my eyes get worse and then it's about steroid Rx's again) and I just have to try till I find one that works right for me...
so trial and error for a bit - and to be cognizant of the headaches cos them becoming migraines are a sign the infection is back
I asked him if I was ok to ride
and he made me promise to wear good eye covering...and said don't overdue it
he sounds like you think a dad should eh?
so I stopped at the other eye dr on the way to work and he did a new Rx for my peepers and the ladies are bringing in some frames for me to look at....
that's my story
the eyes have it again...

I'm off to the eye specialist again
I hope I can
make him understand
just how much
I need this to stop
just how tired I am
of the peepers always hurting
or of living with this kind of pain
all the time
I hope I can make him understand
just how much
I need to be able
to do more than work my shift
and sleep
I want to read books
and watch tv
and ride my trike
and play with my friends online again
I want to be able to welcome the sunlight
and not feel like a mole
it's not too much to ask
I want to be able
to get up in the morning
without a half pound of goop
in the peepers
I want medicine for them
that doesn't hurt
or itch
till I'd like to pull a peeper out
to scratch it
I'm not even asking
for normal
just better
that's not too much to ask is it?
this has been a really hard winter for me
I need respite...
the eyes...
they are in control
but I want to be!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
one of the medications
that I am currently on
causes violent muscle cramps
in places
that it is well documented
that I don't have
anything that remotely resembles
a muscle
I get these cramps
in my shin
and my calf
at the same time
that are so bad
I can't do anything but cry
I get them in my sides
and in my hands
and I get them in my back
under my shoulder blade
they are bad enough
that I can't walk them out
and I can't stand up
and the only thing
that sometimes relaxes them
or relieves them
is deep massage
have I mentioned
that I live alone?
so I bought me
one o them
heavy duty
deep vibrating
massage machines
that looks suspiciously
like ET.

it's plugged into the wall socket
beside my bed
and it works well
and it's loud
I often think
that the elderly woman
that lives
in the apartment above me
must think I'm down here
in the middle of the night
but I ain't
does this face
look like it would
lie to you?
often this cramping
happens in the middle of the night
and as I'm also medicated
to sleep
the irony of the whole process
of laying on the vibrating ET
on my bed
while it massages the cramp
out from under my shoulder blade
is not lost on me.
Last night I didn't have any cramps
but I did wake a couple of times
over the course of the night
that there was a woodpecker
in my bedroom
each time
I fuzzily fell back
to sleep
if I was dreaming
the sound
this morning
when the the alarm went off
I discovered
that what had happened
was that the switch
had been hit
to the "on" position
on good ole ET
as I climbed into bed
and there it lay
quietly vibrating away
on my bedroom floor
all night long...
the vibrations caused ET
to ever so slowly
move across the bedroom floor
to rest against my bedside table
and the sound of ET vibrating
against the bedside table
was the woodpecker
I kept hearing in my sleep
only in my bedroom
could something like this happen
I swear.
that I am currently on
causes violent muscle cramps
in places
that it is well documented
that I don't have
anything that remotely resembles
a muscle
I get these cramps
in my shin
and my calf
at the same time
that are so bad
I can't do anything but cry
I get them in my sides
and in my hands
and I get them in my back
under my shoulder blade
they are bad enough
that I can't walk them out
and I can't stand up
and the only thing
that sometimes relaxes them
or relieves them
is deep massage
have I mentioned
that I live alone?
so I bought me
one o them
heavy duty
deep vibrating
massage machines
that looks suspiciously
like ET.

it's plugged into the wall socket
beside my bed
and it works well
and it's loud
I often think
that the elderly woman
that lives
in the apartment above me
must think I'm down here
in the middle of the night
but I ain't
does this face
look like it would
lie to you?
often this cramping
happens in the middle of the night
and as I'm also medicated
to sleep
the irony of the whole process
of laying on the vibrating ET
on my bed
while it massages the cramp
out from under my shoulder blade
is not lost on me.
Last night I didn't have any cramps
but I did wake a couple of times
over the course of the night
that there was a woodpecker
in my bedroom
each time
I fuzzily fell back
to sleep
if I was dreaming
the sound
this morning
when the the alarm went off
I discovered
that what had happened
was that the switch
had been hit
to the "on" position
on good ole ET
as I climbed into bed
and there it lay
quietly vibrating away
on my bedroom floor
all night long...
the vibrations caused ET
to ever so slowly
move across the bedroom floor
to rest against my bedside table
and the sound of ET vibrating
against the bedside table
was the woodpecker
I kept hearing in my sleep
only in my bedroom
could something like this happen
I swear.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Saturday, February 14, 2009
there I was
blissfully wandering around
like my life was gonna be...
maybe not great
but ok
the strife seemed to be
moving along
paying it's own attention to itself
I didn't get the other job
but the payoff in the office has been huge
the VOD and I seem to have
settled into a bit more of a
sorta less
(now that she has the boy
to cluck over)
the fadder got a house
the bother is on holidays...
still not talking to me
but that's not my problem
spent a couple of hours
on the phone with the blister
last night
it was all good
seemed that life was gonna be
then the fadder calls this morning
to breach the peace
apparently he's judged that
I should forget the bother's
lack of good conscience
and only showing up when he wants something from us
and allow their version of the peace
to reign
I tried to tell him
that I believe
we teach people how they treat us
and as long as I continue to be treated
poorly by the bother
I'd just as soon not go there
thank you very much
the fadder called me a liar
and hung up on me
excuse me?

so much for the peace
I think I'll go rent some movies
and sit at home
and suck my thumb for the weekend
like my life was gonna be...
maybe not great
but ok
the strife seemed to be
moving along
paying it's own attention to itself
I didn't get the other job
but the payoff in the office has been huge
the VOD and I seem to have
settled into a bit more of a
sorta less
(now that she has the boy
to cluck over)
the fadder got a house
the bother is on holidays...
still not talking to me
but that's not my problem
spent a couple of hours
on the phone with the blister
last night
it was all good
seemed that life was gonna be
then the fadder calls this morning
to breach the peace
apparently he's judged that
I should forget the bother's
lack of good conscience
and only showing up when he wants something from us
and allow their version of the peace
to reign
I tried to tell him
that I believe
we teach people how they treat us
and as long as I continue to be treated
poorly by the bother
I'd just as soon not go there
thank you very much
the fadder called me a liar
and hung up on me
excuse me?

so much for the peace
I think I'll go rent some movies
and sit at home
and suck my thumb for the weekend
Monday, February 09, 2009
I got an Award....
My good friend Adelle at Adelle Laudan surprised the dickens outta me with this award.
What a wonderful show of appreciation.

What a wonderful show of appreciation.

Thanks Adelle.
The way it works, is I have to pass it on to Five of my fellow bloggers I deem worthy (cos Ya'll know I am the amazin Kresgin and have my fingers on the pulse of the world LoL)
So, in no particular order. I give this award to (drumroll)
No Damn Life (who sadly had to lock down her blog due to prying miscreants)
Sunday, February 08, 2009
if I was
if I was more organized
I'd knit or crochet more
if I was more understanding
my family wouldn't have the ability
to make me "starkers" at whim
if I was more confident
I wouldn't doubt myself so much
if I was younger
I'd likely want a partner
if I was just a little less confused
more people would understand me
if I was just a little less outspoken
I wouldn't find myself in this mess
if I was kinder
more people would be kind to me
if I was less than I am today
I would not have developed the
caliber of friends I do have
may I should stop with the
if I was?
I'd knit or crochet more
if I was more understanding
my family wouldn't have the ability
to make me "starkers" at whim
if I was more confident
I wouldn't doubt myself so much
if I was younger
I'd likely want a partner
if I was just a little less confused
more people would understand me
if I was just a little less outspoken
I wouldn't find myself in this mess
if I was kinder
more people would be kind to me
if I was less than I am today
I would not have developed the
caliber of friends I do have
may I should stop with the
if I was?
Saturday, February 07, 2009
Did you know?
that I now have 3 blogger blogs
one on FaceBook
one on mySpace
and a couple 4 or 5 others on separate forums
groups and boards I belong to...
and a partridge in a pear tree!
Most of them are copies of the originals
that I house here at blogger
If you are reading this right now
your already familiar with the rants and raves
and heart felt sturm und drang found on
WyzWmn's World
I have a quotation blog called
WyzWmn's Words to the Wise
but be forewarned....
I'm not an intellectual
I gather these quotes as thought provoking
or striking to me at the moment
I now have a third bloggger blog
called Abarra ca Pocus
which focuses on my particular brand
of spirituality and faith...
as the name ain't mainstream
altho it's becoming chic and fashionable
so who knows what the future holds?
and you wonder
why I'm busy
the thing is
I don't so much write for the reader
as I do for myself
so if you enjoy what I do
please comment
and come back often
and if you don't enjoy
what I do
feel free to
delete me
my feelings won't be hurt
one on FaceBook
one on mySpace
and a couple 4 or 5 others on separate forums
groups and boards I belong to...
and a partridge in a pear tree!
Most of them are copies of the originals
that I house here at blogger
If you are reading this right now
your already familiar with the rants and raves
and heart felt sturm und drang found on
WyzWmn's World
I have a quotation blog called
WyzWmn's Words to the Wise
but be forewarned....
I'm not an intellectual
I gather these quotes as thought provoking
or striking to me at the moment
I now have a third bloggger blog
called Abarra ca Pocus
which focuses on my particular brand
of spirituality and faith...
as the name ain't mainstream
altho it's becoming chic and fashionable
so who knows what the future holds?
and you wonder
why I'm busy
the thing is
I don't so much write for the reader
as I do for myself
so if you enjoy what I do
please comment
and come back often
and if you don't enjoy
what I do
feel free to
delete me
my feelings won't be hurt

Wednesday, February 04, 2009
Nose Candy

so today the boss
shows up with a bowl
of cinnamon hearts
cos she know's
they are a fav of mine
and hopefully she's butterin me up
trying to keep me
from accepting a new job
I've interviewed
for if it's offered
cos she'd really like me to stay....

anyway she leaves them
on my desk
of I beetle away
over the course of the day
I have a few...
I picked one up
popped it in my mouth
and then sneezed...
twice in quick succession

the cinnamon heart
in my mouth slid part way
down my throat
at the first sneeze
and then up the back of my nose
on the second
that'd be a hard cinnamon candy
in my nose
holy crap it burned!

I ended up snortin water
like a person
with a peruvian nose joy problem
to get rid of the little bugger
eyes watering
nose dripping

somehow I don't think
that's what the guy meant
that coined the term
Nose Candy

Monday, February 02, 2009
I see dumb people
I started this last week when I first got sick - Jan 28/09
why is it that every where people tell you
when your prescriptions expire you should take them to a pharmacy to have them destroyed...
but when you do that the people at the pharmacy look at you like you just dropped a turd on the carpet?
I'm coming down with bronchitis yet again...however (and for a change) it's been so long that all three of my puffers have expired (I only use em when I have to) I go to the walk in clinic in town and sit for 2 hours to get new scripts...take them next door to the Rx to get the scripts filled and I asked the girl to take the outdated ones....
and srsly she looked just like you'd expect someone would had you tapped them ever so lightly and lovingly between their freakin eyes with a hammer....
so I had to explain to her why I would ask in the first place....

Feb 2/9
so I told ya'll a couple of days about about the run around trying to get
medication for this gallopin crud
I currently have in my chest...
so since I've started one of the meds
I've been experiencing horrendous muscle craps
charlie horses and the kinda craps in your foot
that virtually make them look like your foot
is changing direction
craps that wake me up 6 or more times a night
craps that hit in the oddest places
like under your shoulder blade
or on your shin
so today I call the dr
and by some freak of nature
get to actually speak to him
so I says...(says I)
"how'd ya like to look in that big book
of drug side effects and tell me if
cramping is a side effect of said drug"
he responds with "I don't have to
I'm sure that's not possible"
I says "humour me...check the bible"
he says "hang on"
I hum for a while
he comes back and says
"cramping may possibly occur in less than 4% of users"
"oh" says I
"why not me?"
"uhhhm?" he says "I guess you should use something else?"
"can you phone something in to the pharmacy" I ask
"oh'll have to come in"
"ok wait - so I have to change meds...
cos the one you gave me has brutal side effects
and you want me to also take a half a day offa work to see you?"
I still see dumb people
why is it that every where people tell you
when your prescriptions expire you should take them to a pharmacy to have them destroyed...
but when you do that the people at the pharmacy look at you like you just dropped a turd on the carpet?
I'm coming down with bronchitis yet again...however (and for a change) it's been so long that all three of my puffers have expired (I only use em when I have to) I go to the walk in clinic in town and sit for 2 hours to get new scripts...take them next door to the Rx to get the scripts filled and I asked the girl to take the outdated ones....
and srsly she looked just like you'd expect someone would had you tapped them ever so lightly and lovingly between their freakin eyes with a hammer....
so I had to explain to her why I would ask in the first place....

Feb 2/9
so I told ya'll a couple of days about about the run around trying to get
medication for this gallopin crud
I currently have in my chest...
so since I've started one of the meds
I've been experiencing horrendous muscle craps
charlie horses and the kinda craps in your foot
that virtually make them look like your foot
is changing direction
craps that wake me up 6 or more times a night
craps that hit in the oddest places
like under your shoulder blade
or on your shin
so today I call the dr
and by some freak of nature
get to actually speak to him
so I says...(says I)
"how'd ya like to look in that big book
of drug side effects and tell me if
cramping is a side effect of said drug"
he responds with "I don't have to
I'm sure that's not possible"
I says "humour me...check the bible"
he says "hang on"
I hum for a while
he comes back and says
"cramping may possibly occur in less than 4% of users"
"oh" says I
"why not me?"
"uhhhm?" he says "I guess you should use something else?"
"can you phone something in to the pharmacy" I ask
"oh'll have to come in"
"ok wait - so I have to change meds...
cos the one you gave me has brutal side effects
and you want me to also take a half a day offa work to see you?"
I still see dumb people
Sunday, February 01, 2009
Too Late To Apologize
I'm holding on your rope
Got me ten feet off the ground
And I'm hearing what you say
But I just can't make a sound
You tell me that you need me
Then you go and cut me down
But wait...
You tell me that you're sorry
Didn't think I'd turn around and say...
That it's too late to apologize, it's too late
I said it's too late to apologize, it's too late
I'd take another chance, take a fall, take a shot for you
And I need you like a heart needs a beat
(But that's nothing new)
Yeah yeah
I loved you with a fire red, now it's turning blue
And you say
Sorry like the Angel Heaven let me think was you,
But I'm afraid
It's too late to apologize, it's too late
I said it's too late to apologize, it's too late
Woahooo woah
It's too late to apologize, it's too late
I said it's too late to apologize, it's too late
I said it's too late to apologize, yeah
I said it's too late to apologize, yeah
I'm holding on your rope
Got me ten feet off the ground...
Orange County Choppers
I just watched OCC for the first time in a long time
most of the time those buffoons drive me crazy
but this time they were building a trike
for a parapalegic
a guy who used to ride
but has been confined to a wheel chair for a while
they called in the FANtasy Trike
I remember oh so well what it was like
after not riding for all those years
to get back in the wind....
they made my damn face leak
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