Saturday, February 14, 2009

there I was

blissfully wandering around
like my life was gonna be...


maybe not great
but ok

the strife seemed to be
moving along
paying it's own attention to itself

I didn't get the other job
but the payoff in the office has been huge

the VOD and I seem to have
settled into a bit more of a
sorta less

(now that she has the boy
to cluck over)

the fadder got a house
the bother is on holidays...
still not talking to me
but that's not my problem

spent a couple of hours
on the phone with the blister
last night
it was all good

seemed that life was gonna be

then the fadder calls this morning
to breach the peace

apparently he's judged that
I should forget the bother's
lack of good conscience
and only showing up when he wants something from us
and allow their version of the peace
to reign

I tried to tell him
that I believe

we teach people how they treat us
and as long as I continue to be treated
poorly by the bother
I'd just as soon not go there
thank you very much

the fadder called me a liar
and hung up on me

excuse me?


so much for the peace
I think I'll go rent some movies
and sit at home
and suck my thumb for the weekend

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