Monday, February 02, 2009

I see dumb people

I started this last week when I first got sick - Jan 28/09

why is it that every where people tell you
when your prescriptions expire you should take them to a pharmacy to have them destroyed...

but when you do that the people at the pharmacy look at you like you just dropped a turd on the carpet?

I'm coming down with bronchitis yet again...however (and for a change) it's been so long that all three of my puffers have expired (I only use em when I have to) I go to the walk in clinic in town and sit for 2 hours to get new scripts...take them next door to the Rx to get the scripts filled and I asked the girl to take the outdated ones....

and srsly she looked just like you'd expect someone would had you tapped them ever so lightly and lovingly between their freakin eyes with a hammer....

so I had to explain to her why I would ask in the first place....


Feb 2/9

so I told ya'll a couple of days about about the run around trying to get
medication for this gallopin crud
I currently have in my chest...

so since I've started one of the meds
I've been experiencing horrendous muscle craps
charlie horses and the kinda craps in your foot
that virtually make them look like your foot
is changing direction

craps that wake me up 6 or more times a night
craps that hit in the oddest places
like under your shoulder blade
or on your shin

so today I call the dr
and by some freak of nature
get to actually speak to him

so I says...(says I)
"how'd ya like to look in that big book
of drug side effects and tell me if
cramping is a side effect of said drug"

he responds with "I don't have to
I'm sure that's not possible"
I says "humour me...check the bible"
he says "hang on"
I hum for a while
he comes back and says
"cramping may possibly occur in less than 4% of users"

"oh" says I
"why not me?"

"uhhhm?" he says "I guess you should use something else?"
"can you phone something in to the pharmacy" I ask
"oh'll have to come in"

"ok wait - so I have to change meds...
cos the one you gave me has brutal side effects
and you want me to also take a half a day offa work to see you?"

I still see dumb people

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