Friday, February 20, 2009

the eyes have it again...

I'm off to the eye specialist again
I hope I can
make him understand

just how much
I need this to stop

just how tired I am
of the peepers
always hurting
or of living with this kind of pain
all the time

I hope I can make him understand

just how much
I need to be able
to do more
than work my shift
and sleep

I want to read books

and watch tv

and ride my trike

and play with my friends online again
I want to be able to welcome the sunlight
and not feel like a mole

it's not too much to ask


I want to be able
to get up in the morning

without a half pound of goop

in the peepers

I want medicine for them

that doesn't hurt

or itch
till I'd like to pull a peeper out
to scratch it

I'm not even asking
for normal

just better

that's not too much to ask
is it?

this has been a really hard winter for me
I need respite...
the eyes...
they are in control

but I want to be!

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