Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Nose Candy

so today the boss
shows up with a bowl
of cinnamon hearts
cos she know's
they are a fav of mine
and hopefully she's butterin me up
trying to keep me
from accepting a new job
I've interviewed
for if it's offered
cos she'd really like me to stay....

anyway she leaves them
on my desk
of I beetle away
over the course of the day
I have a few...

I picked one up
popped it in my mouth
and then sneezed...
twice in quick succession

the cinnamon heart
in my mouth slid part way
down my throat
at the first sneeze
and then up the back of my nose
on the second

that'd be a hard cinnamon candy
in my nose

holy crap it burned!

I ended up snortin water
like a person
with a peruvian nose joy problem
to get rid of the little bugger
eyes watering
nose dripping

somehow I don't think
that's what the guy meant
that coined the term
Nose Candy


Anonymous said...

Methinks you are getting a VERY VERY VERY loud message there!!!!!!!!!!

Arlenes Assinine Ravings said...

Oh Gosh I just got a visual of that.

Louie said...

Only you can turn enjoyable candy eating into such a predicament. hehe I'm glad you got it out, could you imagine the hospital form if you needed to go to emerg?