Friday, February 20, 2009


the dr says...

the peepers
are getting better
I must be patient

I had an allergic reaction to my last meds

I can now go get a new Rx for new glasses cos the infection is cleared up enough to make the Rx true

he also said he's from South Africa and he's rarely seen eyes as infected as mine were and that I'm lucky to have retained my vision without further damage (which makes me wonder if I shouldn't have a talk with a lawyer about the GP that kept telling me it was in my imagination)

I'll have to put drops in my eyes likely for the rest of my life...but the kind I'll have to use is over the counter "viscose" ones (unless my eyes get worse and then it's about steroid Rx's again) and I just have to try till I find one that works right for me...

so trial and error for a bit - and to be cognizant of the headaches cos them becoming migraines are a sign the infection is back

I asked him if I was ok to ride
and he made me promise to wear good eye covering...and said don't overdue it
he sounds like you think a dad should eh?

so I stopped at the other eye dr on the way to work and he did a new Rx for my peepers and the ladies are bringing in some frames for me to look at....

that's my story


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