Thursday, June 25, 2009

shocked and sadened

I must confess to a little
shock and sadness
at the vehemence
of responses

to the death
Michael Jackson

yes at the end
he was odd
but he was made odd
by those of us
that read that shit
by those of us that fed the machine
by those of us that reveled in that hype
as perpetrated by the relentless media

I have to ask
was there ever definitive proof
that he was a pedophile?

I don't ever remember there being a conviction
I don't remember his having done time...
how can he be a pedophile
and come back to America?

was it ever proven that
it wasn't just people trying
to make easy money?

have a boo here if ya think I'm just pissin in the wind

yes he slept with boys in his bed
but that does not a pedophile make
it's weird -
(I hear the term "whack job"
thrown about)
but not outside
of the realm of human possibility

having been a victim of abuse
on several levels
in my lifetime
I still find it hard to beleive
that if he was really a pedophile
someone wouldn't have shot him dead


for me
it was kinda like there was
two different people
the one that wrote amazing songs
and taught a generation new dance moves

and one that got squirrelly-ier as time went on
and seemed less and less inclined to reality
I myself spent years waiting for the news flash
that he's permanently lost the end of his nose

but does this make him worthy of your hatred?
shake your head in amazement at his weirdness
but hatred?

and in the meantime
I have to say
once again

that hate is like acid
it ruins the container

I'm not usually naive
it's just that I try so hard not to judge
cos to judge you
is to allow you to judge me....

I seem to be
all out of hate just now


Tee McF said...

I am saddened by the loss of this talented incredible musician. I don't know if he was ever convicted or if it was just malicious money hungry people - regardless of his unique ways - he was a very talented generous musician who left his mark in history in this world. He will be missed by family, his children and fans the world over.His music will live on for a generation. RIP Michael

Anonymous said...

when you are in the celebrity bright lights, unfortunately you bring out the best and worst in people who adore you. As I said earlier to a friend who was spouting righteous statements about the South Carolinian governor, he who is without fault caust the first stone. It is all unfortunately the price of fame, no matter how fleeting it was.