Friday, June 29, 2007
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
A fine "how do you do"....
something my Grandma used to say
when she was well put off by something
and way way more polite than I am feeling
into my home and yard
with one eye infected and swollen shut
cos those pricks told me that they
were going to tow it at my expense if I didn't
and ya know what?
I was the only person that moved their heap
none of the boats moved
none of the other "storage vehicles" moved
and they painted anyway
I am soooooooooo
not impressed
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Don't give up
as much as I try
to believe that I'm not
I'm still a sucker
for movies with "happily ever after"
and I've just finished watching one
so I've got that goofy grin on my face
that comes from watching schmaltz
it's been a cruddy day....
first off it's the end of an era
the $100.00 car is no more
my buddy Barney hauled the old bitch
off to the scrapper today
I know it was necessary
and will likely mark
a new beginning for me
but I was sad to go out there
and see the old girl
I didn't go to work today
I have an eye infection
likely precipitated by
road goo from getting
caught in the grand daddy of all
thunder and lightening storms
on the weekend
when ya got a crappy eye
yer nose runs
and yer head pounds...
ya can't read
ya can't watch tv
and ya can't write
it's boring
and it gives you way too much time
to think
thinking is all good
as long as yer in yer happy place
but not so much
if ya ain't....
today I spent a great deal of time
thinking about how "infirm" I've become
and how
in spite of the dr
I'm gonna find a way to become less so
so to that end
I changed two tri-lite sockets today
and started mucking out my file cabinet
no large feat for most
but large for someone who's sat on the couch
for ever n ever
courtesy of the dad blasted dr
(note to self re changing light sockets:
them little things that say "press here"
to allow you to simply separate the 2 parts....
not so much
you need hand strength
to do that....
so I got up close and personal
with a pair of channel locks
and pulled them apart anyway)
all of which caused me to have a talk
with my friend B
who is also a victim of his injuries
about not succumbing
about not giving in or giving up
about fighting our age
and our health
tooth and nail
about quantity
of life
cos living next door
to the VOD for almost
10 years
has taught me well
what will happen
if we give up
don't give up
if ya fall on yer ass
get up and try again
don't give up
Monday, June 25, 2007
It's 4 AM and I can't sleep
and resenting people
that affect my life
from lofty heights
I have "control issues" apparently
and in spite of the medication
I can't sleep....here's the story....
I live in an apartment building
I've been here 8 years
they do little or no maintenance on the building
but it's cheap - about half the price of apartments now
so what you win in the apples you lose in the oranges
er...however that saying goes....
I have a car in the parking lot
and most times my trike
(but the trike is currently on vacation without me
that's a story for another day)
I go away for the weekend and I get home today - exhausted to some mail - apparently mailed on the 20th...from the arse picks that "manage" this building
it reads:
"Line Painting will be on site Wednesday, June 27 between the hours of 9AM and 4 PM to complete the painting of parking lines in the parking lot. All vehicles must be removed during the day - any vehicles not removed will be towed at the owner's expense. We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you in advance for your patience and co-operation."
about 3 weeks ago we got a message from them same boobs about removing vehicles that were not currently plated...so I called the building manager and discussed the fact that the $100.00 is off the road cos the VOD hasn't been driving and there was no sense paying insurance etc on a car that wouldn't be moving till after her surgery on the 20th....
at that time the building manager told me that it "was all good" cos they were just trying to get rid of the crap that people had stored in the parking lot (there's one guy that's got 6 beaters in the lot) So I didn't have to worry about my car not being mobile just yet.
The $100.00 car needs an alternator and a battery. I can't for the frickin life of me decide if I should scramble to try to get it fixed or simply haul all that crap into my apartment and stack it in the living room - cos there sure as hell ain't no other place for it....or get someone over to put an alternator into it and see if it will run???
is it better for me and my piss poor financial situation to attempt to repair the old car and keep it on the road for one more year...and...if I do - who's to say that the damn thing will run anyway? maybe it's just good money after bad?
Anyway....now I've got 2 days to find someone to fix it - or empty it out and have someone tow it to the scrapper....
in the meantime - I can't sleep cos I resent having some prick that can't change the washers in my kitchen sink taps properly lie to me about the car being ok - and forcing me into making a decision that I can't deal with just at this moment....
I don't know who's dumber - me for being stressed and unable to make a decision or the property manager for being an arse?
Friday, June 22, 2007
again with the perspective

Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Litha (Summer Solstice)

Lush and green is grass in the lea
Meadows are full of faeries on wing
As celebrate we, longest day
‘Tis midsummer time and the holly king
Is soon to take his crown to reign
A fond goodbye to the oaken king
Surrendering his light domain
With forest sprites and elves commune
Best offer them sweetened treat
Then dance delighted beneath the moon
And frolic in summer’s heat
The sun babe grows in Mother’s womb
Awaiting birth as turns the wheel
Enjoy us all the fauna’s bloom
And revel in childhood zeal
The land be blessed with glorious fruit
To feed and nourish summer souls
With food of spiritual pursuit
The Gods our gratitude extol
While golden glowing rays of sun
And breezes warm seek to soothe
Through lushest fields of grasses run
All dim disquietude remove
Bask in days while light is long
And leisure lingers unsurpassed
Sing with glee a bacchanal song
A forward glance to Harvest cast
Our Goddess now we shall embrace
Endeavor turn wrong to right
God of Holly slips into Oak God’s place
On this, our summer solstice night

Monday, June 18, 2007
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Tuff night....
I was diagnosed many years before PTSD became the kind of catchall psychiatric tag they give everyone who suffers from depression or sleep deprivation or night terrors or any of the other psychotic ruptures that can seemingly ruin or control one’s lives.
Running hand in hand with PTSD is the fact that I also have Crohn’s Disease, an autoimmune, and between and around and possibly because of those two majors are a myriad of peripheral illnesses that I have – just to round me out….
Back to the PSTD….many of you know some of the reason why I was diagnosed….that it happened after years of treatment whereby different kinds of doctor’s tried to explain why I am the way I am….er rather….why I was the way I was in those days.
Some of you know that I had my first major surgery when was 21 days old, and that as a result I sorta missed that whole “bonding” thing. Some of you also know that I’ve had almost too many surgeries since then to count. While others of you know that I was violently, verbally and sexually abused and brutalized from the age of 3 to 9 by my babysitter’s boyfriend….who was (funnily enough) a biker.
Some of you know that I spent years of my life “acting out” as they say, and I’ve told many stories over the years about some of the “not so smart” things I did in my miss spent youth….but I lived them and while they are not things to regret they surely are things to learn from.
Still and all, there remain portions or parts of that story that I’ve not told anyone in here…that frankly no one here in BC knows …frankly there are parts that I may never remember…
All of this explains the why behind the fact that I am medicated to sleep at night…have been for years…...without medication I have horrendous nightmares that often bring me out of sleep in full blown panic attacks…and have caused more than one hospital visit.
About a week ago I got this bright idea that I should stop taking my night medication because it makes me sleep too hard. Well…that’s one of the reasons….I have a fear that I am developing sleep apnea as a result of the depth of the dark hole I fall into when I sleep on medication. Another reason is the huge weight gain, my lack of interest in housework (you should not ever see my dump!), my lack of interest in sex, my lack of interest in a partner…..But mostly the idea was precipitated by a monologue from the boss lady about how I should be “in complete charge” of my body, my life, my soul, my emotions.
I’ve been feeling pretty good for a while so I quit taking that one particular pill.
For 4 days I didn’t take it with little or no noticeable change of feeling however on the 4th night I slept about 3 hours as opposed to the 8 I should….the minimum of 8 I need to keep my autoimmune disease in check and my health on the right track (cos sleep is when ya heal don’tcha know?)
I decided that a change in sleep patterns wasn’t worth it and on the 5th night I took a pill and slept like a rock for a full 8 hours. On the 6th night I went out for dinner with the VOD. We got home around 10 and I simply forgot to take the damn pill until then…and by then it’s too late…I knew I had to get up early today and if I didn’t I’d miss my ride club stuff.
So I went to bed and 10 and slept till about 2. I woke up sometime around 2 in a full blown panic attack.
The murderer that infests my dreams had been smothering me…and the sound of my first breath when I got away from him was the noise that woke me up. (ya know that sound ya hear in the movies when the hero’s been forced to be underwater too long? Ya…that’s the sound that woke me)
I woke up to a completely dark room and full panic.
I dove out of bed completely sure that should I not “get away”, I was absolutely positively sure that I would die at the hands of the same murderer that has been threatening my sleep for 40 years.
In my panic I forgot the set up of my room (it’s only been set up that way for 10 years) and I ran into the wall beside my bedroom door with such a resounding thump that I knocked myself senseless.
I woke up on the floor about 20 minutes later….and that was it for sleep last night.
Needless to say….fuck the weight gain, to hell with the condition of my home and the boss lady can kiss my big fat furry tattoo…..I’m taking the pills from here on in...
And that, as they say, is that.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Maybe it's the position of the moon?
Working at a school of any kind means that you spend your off season (the period between the end of April running to late Aug – early September) planning for the following year. As a “start up unit” I have spent months listening to the wailing despair of my boss because she as an academic feels that she should not be held to the budget rigors as set by the local bean counters.
In my mind I hear myself saying: “yes, but it’s the bean counters that rule business…and at the end of the day…a school is a business” no?
And I have recently spent 2 weeks correlating information backed up with statistics from our own work to prepare for the “planning stages” of next year culminating in 2 weeks of pretty much sitting on my thumbs while waiting for the boss to “get herself together” enough to start planning next year. My co-worker and I have discussed add nauseum the need to focus on our core business and to make sure that our planning was based in knowledge needs not gut wants.
This morning, my boss sat at the desk of my co-worker and “whispered” with her for 4.5 hrs in setting the guidelines for the 2 of them for the planning of next year. I sat across the room on my thumbs once again. This would be her version of teamwork.
At noon I got up for lunch and when I came back the boss was gone. Without a word to me as to what I will or will not be doing for the next couple of months while she fly’s hither and yon making an ass of herself. And when I came back from lunch I had an email from her that was a major compliment for our unit...she forwarded it to me and her notation was one sentance: "it's all about me!" - I keep thinking that she has got to be jokin...but she ain't.
The whole thing brings a multitude of thoughts forward for me.
- How incredibly rude!
- What? Are we in grade school?
- Can I get much more bored and not snap my Twinkie?
- Just how much time can I spend surfing the web without feeling guilty?
- Can I get much more bored and not snap my Twinkie?
- How could I have bought into her sales pitch? How could I (jaded old me) have taken her suggestions that this would be a place to foster “real teamwork” and “exciting futures” and believed them as the truth?
- Can I get much more bored and not snap my Twinkie?
- How could I have possibly come to work for someone with less “people managing skills” than the doorknob?
- Can I get much more bored and not snap my Twinkie?
- How could she not think that her little tete a tete with my co-worker today could not have been construed and exclusive as opposed to inclusive?
- Can I get much more bored and not snap my Twinkie?
- How could she, as a manager, and having read my resume and seen my work, not want my input?
- Can I get much more bored and not snap my Twinkie?
- …are not my skills and abilities what she hired me for?
- Can I get much more bored and not snap my Twinkie?
- In good conscience can I continue to sit here with nothing to do and not bring it to her attention over and over again (I’ve asked the co- worked twice a day for weeks if there is anything I can do to assist her)
- Can I get much more bored and not snap my Twinkie?
- Is it wrong to expect to find some sort of satisfaction and feeling of contribution and/accomplishment from my job?
- Can I get much more bored and not snap my Twinkie?
I’m concerned about the fact that I left a job that I’d been at (with some success I might add) for 3 years to come here.
I’m concerned cos it seems to me that when the bean counters ask her to do something that is my forte she puts it off till the very last minute and then brings on the full kaleidoscope of histrionics over how much she hates doing it when I could have done it in a day or a week or an hour – and she’s ever the martyr and stays all night burning the midnight oil cos she’s so hard done by….
I’m concerned that I’ve sacrificed my sanity/patience for a retirement package and the ability to further my education cheaply.
Mostly I’m concerned that someday one o them bean counters is gonna find out how much they are paying me to be a glorified receptionist or the queen of photocopying and I’m gonna end up worse off than I was before.
I’ve tried repeatedly to broach these subjects with her and her answer to me is that we’re “a team” only we aren’t – that’s pretty obvious.
When I call her on it she tells me I’m “snippy” – I can’t help but think that the time will come that I lose my temper with her…and then she’s gonna be very frightened….LoL
The VOD thinks that she’s scared of me…I think she isn’t – but at this rate she ought to be soon.
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Now this is what I'm talking about
nothing like
down the highway
on a sunny day
listening to rock n roll!
Black Betty
Travelling Riverside Blues
Let it Roll
day of the eagle
some rock n blues guitar
remember woodstock?
10 Years After?
whether I'm riding
or drivin the VOD mobile
come on summer!
Bring it on....
Saturday, June 09, 2007
What if?
on the blog of a friend
of a friend
and it bears repeating
and a little embellishing
Friday, June 08, 2007
WyzWmn - isms vs Family- isms
and many of my faithful readers
that I am a bit of a "card"
that I can "turn a phrase"
methinks the time has come
to break the seal
and tell you all
that lots of it
(sometimes I worry that all of it...)
ain't even my own material....
I've been rather surprised to find out
that all families are not like mine
that the witty repartee
preformed 24/7
by each and every member
of the family that I belong to
doesn't happen in most families
case in point
a flurry of emails
by myself and my family today
discussing family "isms"
one of the aunts was trying to remember
something that her very Irish
lady mother would say
so she asked if any of us remembered
(her nickname is Mal - short for Marigold....
what kinda family names a girl Marigold?)
and we were off to the races....
the aunt:
"Also, I've had a phrase that I think Mother used to say running through my head, but my own memory won't come up with the ending:
"A slip of the tongue is no . . . ."
cousin Garth:
"A slip of the tongue is no fault of the mind and he who laughs is very unkind."
cousin Pish (short for Patricia):
I would love to hear your list of expressions that Grandma used to use.
Here is one that I was trying to remember recently. She said it in her more dis inhibited state, after she had had her stroke, but it was kind of hilarious. She was talking about passing gas, and she said something like, "A bad neighbour is better than a foul tenant." Or something?? Anyone remember better?
the fadder:
If one was to "break wind" she would say " As Granny used to say -- An empty house is better than a bad tenant -- "
Is that the one ? I love the one Garth came up with " A slip of the tongue etc. " Don't ever remember hearing Mom use it but its great.
from Aunt Mal:
Another of Mother's sayings, from Granny Skippon, I think:
"Wouldn't that just jar your cherries!"
from cousin Pam:
"The difference between 'involvement' and 'commitment' is like an eggs-and-ham breakfast: the chicken was 'involved' - the pig was 'committed'."
from cousin Jamie: (Digger being the fadder)
"Gramma said.. a slip of the tongue is no mistake of the brain...
I use several old family expressions... taught to me by my dear uncles' john and digger... some not suitable for mixed company...
flat as piss on a platter
drier than a popcorn fart "
from WyzWmn:
"I too used quotes from my father and Uncle John and a whole bunch o them from Do that came from my grandpa Leo
"if yer ever looking for a helping hand...look on the end of your arm"
and one of my personal favs
"yer a long time in the tomb...so zoom zoom zoom"
people tell me all the time that I'm such a funny person...but really it's just me repeating a combination of GrammoB's Irish humour, with Grandpa Leo's Saskatchewan farmer humour - liberally dispersed with east coast isms from Digger and Do's stint in Moncton (that ended up with me all those years ago!)
I'm but a poor carbon copy
from the blister:
"My favourite Uncle John-ism, one that I use at work occasionally to describe a difficult task..."It's like trying to shove a dew worm up a wild cat's ass."
from WyzWmn:
"oh...unca Johnny used to say (when he was looking at something someone owned that he coveted) "if I had that boat and he had a feather up his ass - we'd both be tickled!" or "it's like using confetti to wipe an elephants ass"
from cousin Pish:
Or, for the hungover, "Your eyes look like two piss holes in a snowbank."
from cousin Judy on the t'other coast:
the answer to the question - Did you miss me? The answer is "Like a toot ake!"
Recently I told you all
of a trip I took
with many of my lady friends
to Salt Spring Island
and that some of these friends (Bee Wise!!!)
wallpapered my hotel room
with a bunch of my sayings
apparently they'd been collecting them for a month
I walked into my hotel room that night
and as I open the door my eyes see
a lime green signthat says
"My name is Karen...how do you like me so far?"
and here's the rest o them:
"Holy Hannibal Lector!"
"talk amongst yerselves"
"bottom line"
"but I digress...."
"put on yer big girl panties"
"not so much"
"get yer own material!"
"Hellooooo? have we met?"
"just for shits and giggles"
"jayzuz h christ on a crutch"
"alrighty then....buh bye"
"I'm all farklempt"
"suck it up princess"
"going forward..."
"cry me a river"
"can I just say...?"
"at the end of the day..."
"do I look like yer mother?"
"got a piano tied to yer ass?"
"this just in....film at 11"
"in the vernacular....shut yer fuckin pie hole"
"he's got a grin on his face like a ripple on a piss pot"
"com'ere...I got something I want you to kiss!"
"and you are?"
"kiss me where I pee!"
"he's like a bear with a cut butt"
"he's crazy as a shit house rat"
"up and down like the latch on the outhouse door"
"like a fart in a mitt"
and none of these even touch on the one liners
we've stolen from movies and tv shows
"breakfast beer Martha?" - Deer Hunter
" I think we're in a tight spot" O Brother Where Art Thou
"You brought the fucking Pomeranian bowling?" the Big Lebowski
"'Bonanza' is not an accurate depiction of the west. " - Tin Man
but the long and the short of it is
I'm from a looong line of smart mouths
I really don't think I made any of this up
I stole it all
I'm sure....
from my crazy family
Bloggers that piss me off
for bloggers
that shoot their mouth off
on their blogs
and then shut off the comments
on their blogs
in my not so humble opinion
that's gutless
it speaks to a lack of personal integrity
and smacks of playing unfair....
I base my opinions
on what's held in my heart
what my heart feels is fair
that's not a secret
no where
no how
have I ever said
that every single person
must agree with me
hell -
I'm as surprised
as the next guy
when someone
agrees with me at all...
nobody thinks I'm crazier than I do!
so slamming me
and my opinions
and then not allowing me
to comment
speaks to a lack of grace in you
and not any kind of "wrongness"
in my opinions
very very uncool
besides - you don't know the whole story
you only know what you think you read
very very uncool
nuff said?
Thursday, June 07, 2007
of boss' n things
who we've been trying to get
to sit down
and do some damn planning
for next year
apparently has been told
in no uncertain terms
that she needs to apply herself
and she's gone from being a pain in the wazoo
cos she ain't doing nutting
to being a pain in the wazoo
cos she doesn't have every little thing
at the tip of her fingers!
she'd know where stuff is
if she'd have spent
more than 15 minutes a day
in the office
oh....did I say that out loud?
the VOD is apparently on her way home
her bother is driving her
she left the blister's in Merritt
and went to the bother's in Penticton
and apparently
is still drinking too much
why is it member of my family
get that reach out and touch someone
feeling when they are far enough
in their cups to barely be speakin English?
but I digress....
she phoned a left a message yesterday
saying she thought that she'd be home
this eve
and I've not heard anything yet
I read in the paper today
a fact that has me thinking
that even though
I had another flood lastnight
will they ever get the freakin plumbing
in that building fixed?
anyway - statistically
Victoria has the 2nd highest occupancy rate
in Canada
guess I won't be moving soon...
unless I win the lottery...HA!
but I'm hoping that this separation
over the last couple of weeks
will set the tone
for the VOD
to not be as dependant upon me
as she has in the past
year er two
wouldn't that be loverly?
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Safe haven?
that is to be a safe haven
there is no where
to muss out loud
to put things in order in my head
without getting into trouble
I have been given express orders
to not speak about issues that move me greatly
some that break my heart
and some that just piss me off in general
and I don't know
in all good conscience
that I will keep it to myself
that I even should
keep it to myself
is it better to spill the beans
and live within my personal integrity?
or is it better to follow the fucking lemmings
and take orders from a psycho?
and why oh why is it just impossible
for some animals to leave well enough alone?
Sunday, June 03, 2007
It just never stops....
is that there's no more hiding from life
I went to my cousin's for supper tonight
with my fadder
just as we were sitting down to eat
my phone rings
it's the VOD
and she's crying
her sister has passed
we mouth the platitudes
it is indeed a blessing
she is no longer in pain
it's good she went to see her
it's time to come home
and then I get to go back to the table
and tell my cousin and his wife
and my dad
my cousin and his wife
are from my fadder's side of the family
so they empathize
but then didn't know El
my fadder, on the other hand
bursts into tears
remembering the life that was
the years of fun when he and
the VOD were still married
he's very sad
I am curiously devoid of emotion
I didn't have a close relationship with my aunt
and I'm more concerned about the VOD than anything
I ended up out sitting by the firepit
in their back yard
in the rain
watching the rain clouds
and smelling the honeysuckle
not even really thinking about more
than watching the rain clouds
and smelling the honeysuckle
there will be no service
she's requested cremation and distribution of ashes
and the VOD will be home in a day or two
life just keeps carrying on
even when
all ya really want
is for it to stop long enough
to catch yer breath
Rest in Peace
Eleanor McCreight
you were loved
and in the end
you can't really ask
for more than that
Saturday, June 02, 2007
Memorial to a Fallen Rider
Sadly, John O’Reilly lost his life on the Malahat on May 29. Apparently he was cut off where the two lanes merge into one and he crashed into the rock bluff. The friend riding with him is in serious condition in Vic General. John loved the sound of a big group of bikes. We would appreciate you helping get the word out.
The more bikes we get the better.
In Memory of John O'Reilly and all the loved one's we've lost to the road
Ride to Support a Fallen Rider JUNE 4TH, 12:00 noon meeting at Cassidy’s Pub Riding to Steve Dranes (735 Cloverdale Ave)
Ride from Steve Dranes at 2:00pm. There will a memorial service for John O’Reilly at 3:00pm at The Garden Chapel, Royal Oak Burial Park,
4673 Falaise Drive, Victoria. Reception to follow at Soprano’s Bar, 730 Aveunue, Victoria
Friday, June 01, 2007
New Flashes!
was not a member of my club
as feared
we ran into him at a new cafe
last night
and he's alive and kickin
and gonna update his contact info!
on another front...
that freakin Pathfinder is still not sold
but they can kiss my big fat furry tattoo
if they think I'm goin back there
I r pissed about it now!
work has been pleasant this week
the boss is away
so I'm compiling stats up the wazoo
but it's all good cos I have an MP3 player
and I know how to use it
today is payday
once again I have been blessed
by that simple act of gawd
that allows money
to show up in my account
every second Friday
who knew what it would be like
to work for a "real" employer eh?
have fun in the sun Ya'll