Wednesday, June 27, 2007

A fine "how do you do"....

A fine "how do you do"....
something my Grandma used to say
when she was well put off by something

and way way more polite than I am feeling

just now
so I went thru all that crap about moving the 100.00 car so they could paint the parking lotI had to haul all that stuff that was stored in it
into my home and yard
with one eye infected and swollen shut

cos those pricks told me that they
were going to tow it at my expense if I didn't

and ya know what?

I was the only person that moved their heap
none of the boats moved
none of the other "storage vehicles" moved
and they painted anyway

I am soooooooooo
not impressed
the dirty rotten fudpuckin sons o suckers
and a fine how do you do!

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