Friday, September 12, 2008

Seven Years Ago Today...

Sept 11 2001

like most of the people
in the world
I spent the day
sitting in my living room
mesmerized and weeping
over the news coverage
of the devastation
and loss
of the Twin Towers

Sept 12 2001
I woke up with a firm resolve
to do something
about the rut my life was in

if nothing else
the devastation of the 11th
brought home to me,
on a personal level
that time was
a wastin

and ya just never know
if you'll be here for the next day....

so in doing so
started the ball rolling
towards finding me again...


years ago
I had been diagnosed
with Crohn's Disease
when I began to take medication
in large amounts
a side effect of the meds
was that my hair fell out
in big clumps
kinda like I had mange...

I became self conscious
about the way I looked
for the first time in my life
coupled with the illness,
and the financial blow
I took as a result of
trusting someone that
in the end
didn't deserve the trust,
left me....

less than...

so Sept 12 2001
I took the first step
towards getting me back

I shaved my head...
went to a beauty shop
with the VOD
and shaved it off
kinda like a hair cotillion

and I have been shaving it
regularly ever since.

In the past 7 years
I've been able to
put myself into the
not to recoup
what I've lost
but to start
a new

I have a good job
(ok...she's a squirrel)
but the pay doesn't suck
and the benefits rock!
I even have a pension

I purchased my trike
(the Pickle)

and I purchased a new car
(the Ladybug)

so life isn't as bad
as I sometimes think
in spite
of the negative bullshit
that has been foisted
on my life the last 4 months

and this day
as a wee reminder
of all that I've accomplished

it's all good
as they say....

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