Thursday, September 25, 2008

Ya jist cain't cure stoopid!

I think my building manager is fighting a loosing battle...

it's too bad...cos he's not a bad guy
, but the property manager's mandate is to keep the building full and as a result...some of the people now living in this building are of less than stellar intelligence....

case in point...

there's been ongoing security issues ...cos they can't seem to get the people that live on the first floor to understand that going to work in the morning via your patio door and leaving it unlocked all day does not make a secure building

so to alleviate some of the stress the single and elderly women feel, the property manager had them install a chain link fence with a big ole gate that locks and is keyed to the master door key

but apparently closing the gate is too hard for less than a week ago, the manager's wife spent an hour stuffing letters into everyone's mailbox about keeping the gate closed so that everyone in the building is safe...

tonight I come home to find a truck parked in the walkway....the gate is propped is the back's about 5:45PM

hmmmmmmm that's secure?

but there's a brand new still in the wrapping from the store sofa in the back of the truck so I assume that once they get the sofa moved in all will be well
I go into my apartment...change my clothes, check my email, get my library books together, get my coat and shoes back on and head back out the door to go to the library....

door and gate are still open

I get in my around the block to the library...go in, drop off my books, peruse the fast reads, pick out some books and stand in line to check them out...

I go outside, get back in my car, drive around the block to my building

and low and behold the gate is still open

only now there is an old sofa on the lawn and the new sofa is wedged in the open back door with these 2 nuclear physicists trying to figure out how they are going to get the damn sofa up the stairs if they can't get it through the door...

I suggest the double wide front door and the elevator and they both look at me like I've grown horns..

"what" says I "I've only lived in the building for 10's not like I'd know how everybody else does it!"

and so they continue to struggle....

finally they get the sofa outta the door so I can get into the back hallway, and I suggest "maybe you should close the gate? you know? sorta for the security?"

"Naw"...they both say

Yup...ya just cain't cure stupid....

pardon me while I go check the locks on my doors and windows will ya?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.