Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Scared eyes!


I've been looking for eyeglass frames

for a couple of years
but have had serious trouble with my eyes
so I put off buying glasses till I knew
what was going on...

after being diagnosed with this wonky eye disease
in December
the specialist gave me permission
to finally get a new prescription...

I got my new glasses today
I'd ordered them on March 19th
and paid $869.00 up front for them
(I get 200.00 back
from our medical plan
at work
so god bless Mastercard!)

they were to be here in 2 weeks
3 weeks ago I call and ask where they are
they tell me that they'll call the lab to find out
3 days later I call again
they tell me they got busy
and forgot to call the lab
but as the lab is closed
they will call in the morning

in the morning
they call me
and tell me that they've discovered
that they forgot to send the order
to the lab 3 weeks ago
so they hadn't even left the building

they apologize profusely
and then they tell me
that they've put a "super rush" on them

I laugh and tell em it's ok
we're all human

today (almost 2 more weeks later)
they call and tell me
that they are ready
I go in to pick them up at 4 pm (they close at 6)
I try them on
to make sure that they are centered
and the left lens falls out

I catch it

we all laugh and they put the lens back in

we decide
I shouldn’t wear them to drive cos
my eyes are pretty sore
and it's the end of the day
so I'll put them beside my bed
and wear them tomorrow
from first thing in the morning

I drive home
I go to the VOD's
and try them on to show her

the left lens falls out

I call them...
"guess what?
The left lens fell out!"

They tell me to come back
(thank goodness they are close)

I go back
We all laugh
and they fix em again

I put em back in my bag
and drive into the city

I go into the store
and take the new glasses out
so I can read a label on a bottle

I put them on...
the left lens falls out

Fuck me
I'm done...

I'm no longer laughing...
I'm taking em back tomorrow
and shoving em up someone's ass

~I'm just saying~

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