Sunday, July 29, 2007

birthday's and blisters


so yesterday was my 52nd b'day
no big deal really...
after the last few fiasco's I've learned to expect nothing

and it was complicated by the fact that my Blister
who hasn't talked to me in close to a year
was also arriving from ON

so...I get up in the morning to emails from all my
bloggin, facebook, myspace and msn and club friends
but nothing from family

spoke to my own personal VOD
3 times before we had to get to the airport for noon
no "best wishes"
get to the airport and the fadder and a cuz show up
no "best wishes"

the Blister walks offa the plane
walks directly up to me and gives me a huge hug
and wishes me happy b'day
which of course
immediately starts the rest of the family to bluster
and concur

what is up with this self centered bunch o putz's?

last night the Blister took myself...the VOD
the fadder and the cuz out for dinner
I had a couple of drinks
a great steak n lobster dinner
and a little chocolate to finish things off

not a bad way to celebrate....
(and way better n the wire dish rack
I got for my 50th)
I'm still stressing about the Blister
being here
but so far so good

on another front
I am hugely stressing about my right arm
I've got a combination of
carpel tunnel and tennis elbow
due to the fact that I've just done 3 months of work
in little over 14 days (cos the boss just cannot focus until it's almost too late)
it is sore from my finger tips to my shoulder
and sore enough to make me vomit

the Dr says..."don't use it"
so what am I supposed to do at work?

how can I blog? (slowly and painfully apparently)

but the real kicker is that
I'm leaving on a 2 week motorcycling holiday
on Thursday the 2nd

what do you suppose the chances are
that I'll stay home if the arm hurts too badly?
2 chances...slim and fat....

but what kinda holiday am I gonna have
if the act of twisting the throttle
makes me wanna puke?

jeez eh?
can't I just have one thing go right?


Louie said...

Ice that puppy down. When you need to stop, we stop. You can rest it at the boogie bash and again at the PPP. I'm happy that the *visit* is going well with the Blister. LYLT5$

Anonymous said...

Hey Wyz Happy belated birthday!
Like Louie says, you wanna stop we stop, it's holidays after all right?
Maybe you ought to give Louie lessons on the Pickle in case ur arm gets too too sore :)
Take care my friend