Friday, July 27, 2007

Once Upon a Time...

once upon a time......

a long long ago

in a little elf house....

deep in the woods of North America

there was born to a Mama and Papa elf

a bouncing baby boy they chose to name Keibler

Keibler was a feisty young fellow...and grew (over thousands of years) to develop friendships both on the land and in the water.....(rather uncommon for an elf...don'tcha know?)
he even got smart enough to eventually become the First Officer of a large group of single minded motorcycle riding doowadiddy's called the 443

and life was good.

but as life will have it.....eventually it came to pass

that every single one of those doowadiddy riding friends forgot to mention their undying love and lifelong gratitude and subservience on the 6th of June every year (the momentous occasion of his birth)

and as a result the Keibler elf became bitter....he got crankier and crankier and he began to run....

and he ran and he ran and he ran (run forest?) Up hill and down hill and in the rain and in the heat...and then he ran some more....

but while he ran he thought and he thought and he puzzled and he stewed and eventually he decided to flat out refuse to acknowledge anyone's birthday for ever and ever "ahmen"...

and then he said so...right out loud!

"No more birthdays for you my friends!" he said in his best magick voice...

....and so the punishment began!

You'd think that this was the end of my little parable my friends....but alas and alack...this one comes with a moral....a moral for us all.....

and the moral of this little story here is....what ever you do....don't forget the FO's birthday next we'll never have birthdays again!


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