Sunday, January 13, 2008


it really takes character
to understand it

I've spent the most part
of the last two days
on the internet
consoling friends from distances
far and wide
over the loss of our riding/internet friend

and while doing that I've also
watched almost all
of season 1
of StarGate...SG1
just for shits n giggles...

the thing I liked about GreyBeard
was his readiness to accept people
for what they are
not what we wanted them to be
himself included

that acceptance of humanity
good, bad or indifferent
in hopes of learning from it
was a blessing he bestowed upon
or taught many of us....

he wasn't a superhero
he was human
and he knew it...
but he tried
and what more can ya ask for?

the thing I like about SG1
is that every episode comes with a moral
a small reminder of the state
of the human condition

not so very different
than thinking about my friend GreyBeard

and the remembrance
that it really takes character
to understand it

yet another lesson learned

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