Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Fear Factor

went to the dr's yesterday
(remember a time
when the dr was
virtually daily
or weekly outings
as opposed to yearly?)

he says that I'm lucky
they Crohn's is behaving
the blood pressure is too
but I need to come off the hormones

*ATTN all men* stop reading here
if frank talk about
"women's works" bother you

so when I had a hysterectomy
the gynecologist put me on estrogen...
...I've always had
really elevated levels of testosterone
and for years they (they being the drs)
attributed my hair loss to testosterone
but we've since found out that the hair loss
is indicative of auto immune disease

anyway - the elevated testosterone
was attributed to my then "overactive"
sex drive...
seems in my misspent youth
I was always fighting er fuckin...
the removal of my ovaries and uterus
also stopped the Endometriosis on a dime
which aided in the ability to reach "remission"
with the Crohn's Disease...
at the same time I was put on estrogen
I was put on Elavil for the night terrors
attributed to PT SD
the Elavil is a very low dose
doesn't aid me in getting to sleep
but when I do get to sleep
I sleep like someone hit me on the head
with a rock
the combination of estrogen and Elavil
have completely eradicated my libido
I could care less if I ever have sex again
don't miss it
don't care

however the added side effect of the combination
has made my years of mind boggling
I no longer would rather fight than quit
I no longer have screaming arguments with
inanimate objects
I no longer am a vindictive hateful bitch
altho my reputation still doth proceed me
so yesterday the dr advises
that by the time I'm 55
I must be offa the hormone
that gives me 3 years
and I'm scared

I hear all the arguments in favor of quiting
lower risk of invasive breast cancer
lower chance of gall bladder attacks
lower risk of greater risk of developing dementia,
including Alzheimer's disease (I need alla help I can get)
lower risk of stroke and deep vein thrombosis
lower risk of risk of myocardial infarction
altho the weight loss wouldn't suck!
but again
I'm scared
I'm liking my quiet sedate life (for the first time in 50 years)
I don't want to go back there
I don't want to be mean
I don't want to be governed by my libido ever again
I don't want to become a shrieking banshee again
there's gotta be a way
but I can't find it - yet!
what's a woman to do?

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