Monday, May 14, 2007

third times a charm!

3 posts in one day
that don't happen often.....

can I just say...
jezuz h keyyyy-rist on a crutch
my family is all nuts
and I'm not far behind!

now it's the fadder
the silly old fart bought a house with his partner 4 years ago
didn't bother to get an inspection
cos the "nice young man" that sold them the house
said everything was fine


he(the fadder) and his "partner" (and I use the term loosely)
have had the house on the market for months
but he can't tell me where they will go
or if they will even share a home after the house sells

still the house ain't selling
cos the crumbling retaining wall
has finally given up the ghost
the crumbly retaining wall that the "nice young man"
said would last forever
now needs $33,000.00 to repair!

the fadder
calls me in tears
"I'm on a pension...
where am I gonna get that kind o money?"

he phones me again all freaked out about an hour later
cos he gets a bill in the mail this morning
from Revenue Canada
for $88,000.00

it's a typo - call Revenue Canada"

he does and it is

the VOD and I are supposed to go to the cousin's house
for supper on Tues night

the fadder decides to invite himself
and calls my cell as I'm on way home
from a criminally cruddy day of work
to inform me that he and his partner
will be there for dinner on Tues night

"what?" says I
"you are bringing her...WTF am I supposed to do with the VOD?"
"that's not my problem" he says

the hell you say!
fuck eh?

now I have the completely untenable pleasure
of going home
and telling the VOD
that the old fart and his Chiquita
will be there for dinner
which will hurt the VOD's feelings
and of course will piss me off even more

and then she'll decide she won't go
so I'll decide I won't go
cos I ain't gonna leave her alone
and then she'll do the martyr thing
and I'll be damned if I do and damned if I don't

just what the fuck is fair about that?

and just to add insult to injury
the bean counters at work have decided that
our unit is top heavy
so our boss should let go one of us
which means if they let the Coordinator go
my work load goes from almost doable times 6
it means that they let me go
and I'm fucking unemployed

we'll see how this plays out
but it ain't gonna be pretty

we're a new unit
and new units are guaranteed to loose money
for the first 3 years
and we ain't even been open a full year yet
and already they're talking about pulling plugs
what the fuck did they expect

I wish I was a drinker
I'd get pissed as a billy goat
I'm certainly in the right mood for it tonight!

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