Thursday, May 17, 2007


  1. affected by unhappiness or grief; sorrowful or mournful: to feel sad because a close friend has moved away.
  2. expressive of or characterized by sorrow: sad looks; a sad song.
  3. causing sorrow: a sad disappointment; sad news.

I'm sad
the VOD just called to say
that her sister is loosing ground
in such a horrendously fast manner
such as the "family" doesn't think
she'll last another week
they are taking her to the hospital today
and she's signed a DNR (do not resuscitate)
so that's that

my mother is trying to be stoic
and failing
my brother had best step up to the plate
and take her to Merritt
but I can certainly imagine that he likely won't again
apparently I will spend my long weekend
behind the wheel of her car
on the Coquillhalla Highway

and being her strength

it's damn near too much
for me to bear
for her
for me

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