Friday, November 03, 2006

I feel like there should be fanfare!

I have news!

Officially as of last night at 5:30PM….I have just been offered a position at Royal Roads University and I have accepted and will be starting Nov 13th…..3 years to the day from the start day of my current job…in Hell

I will be one of 2 Learning Associates in the brand new Continuing Studies division of RRU…which pretty much means that I will be sharing the administrative load in an exciting new adventure for the University.

The company I have worked for over the last 3 years has taught me a lot about who and what I don’t want to be for the rest of my life…I’m hoping that this new endeavor will give me a chance to grow towards being the person I can be….at the very least the scenery will improve immensely!

I’m stoked!

I will make about $10,000.00 more a year plus a mondo benefits package that is at about 18% of the wage and there’s room for advancement….and no one will be timing my trips to the rest room any more…it’s a 20 min drive but the campus is's a freakin castle after all!

Friday Nov 10th will be my last day at at my current job - and the only fly in the ointment is that I have worked with many of the group currently working for me for 2 years - and been able to positively effect change on their behalf - so I'll miss them terribly...

but for the most's pretty damn cool if ya ask me… Wahoooooooooo!

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