Monday, November 20, 2006

I'm Getting Old...


I’ve had this problem where often when I wake up in the morning it feels like there is something sharp in my left eye….it runs like crazy which causes my sinuses to go nuts…it often causes my right eye to react as well…and it is super sensitive to light first thing in the morning

I talked to my eye Dr who suggested warm compresses in the morning when it happens cos it doesn't happen all the time - the compresses help the headache, the eyes and sinus issue caused by the eyes but not the pain in my eye or the non-stop leaking…sometimes it stops by the time I leave home to go to work but sometimes I can't drive and have to pull over for a while on my way to work ....that’s what happened at the last summer at the Camperee and I ended up not being able to do the whole Mt Washington thing cos I couldn't see to ride….

I hate it when my face leaks for no apparent reason!

I found out today that this problem that I've been battling on and off for the last 2 years is called “lagophthalmos” ….Which basically means I sometimes sleep with my eye open a crack and the pain is actually that my eye has dried out – and then the weeping is my body’s feeble attempt to rectify the drying out of the eye….apparently it’s probably precipitated by the position of my head on the pillow er sommat.

My options are to use an eye gel at night called TGel or if it gets worse and I actually start to sleep with my eyes open...the two best methods are, 1, tape the eyes closed with hypoallergenic paper tape, or 2, wear swimmers goggles with just a touch of Vaseline around the gaskets (creates a moisture chamber).

I don’t see either of these later 2 options being conducive to ever having a sex life again – not that I foresee that in my near future – but hey – hope springs eternal eh?
Apparently as my symptoms are relatively simple (not a full blown case) there’s every possibility I can cure it with taking large doses of Omega 3 fatty acids from flax and fish oil.

So I’m for taking flax oil and putting gel in my eyes at night!

Ain't gettin old grand?

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