Saturday, November 04, 2006

Tuff Day

was not an easy day
for me....

it was, as they say,

I told my team
that I am leaving
next Friday

which made my friend Tami
which made me cry
which made more of us cry
and resulted in
me crying on and off all day long

fuck eh?

but I told them the truth
I told them in no uncertain terms
that they are all smart
integral people
that they have "skills"
and that they need to believe
in themselves
as much
as I believe in them

I think I even did
a little begging
that none of them be
so resistant to change
that they burn their bridges
cos they have mouths to feed
and mortgages to pay
etc etc

I hope they believe me
when I say
should they decided
that the time for greater change
is upon them
I will do
anything I can to assist

even so far
as to go into
the grand poohbah's office
and beg him
to keep the team together
and give them someone
as strong and smart
tough and wise
fun and humorous
as they need
to keep them together

and if
and when
they do
decide to move on...

I'm a resume writer
will always be their friend


That Girl Tam said...

I need your email address...

WyzWmn© said...

you have mail!