Wednesday, November 29, 2006

I have an asshole attractor

I have an asshole attractorand I'd like to have it surgically removed

I just got sent home from work…Cos I arrived at work this morning and immediately did a half gainer and banged up my knee pretty bad (seems that my father is destined to bang up his feet and I am destined to bang up my knees)

Soo – I drove home in the snow – it’s snowing again (although they are calling for rain later) it’s that light dusty snow that you get when it’s cold – but there’s enough of it that it is covering all that skating rink from the last 2 days – which is how I banged up my knee – but that’s another story!

People get stupid in inclement weather…it’s like it gets cold and their brains freeze er something….I just spent 15 minutes waiting to get in my driveway cos some boob had parked his car in the driveway and went across the street to the school – and when he comes out of the school he’s like all farklempt cos he’s in the way…and barely able to speak in syllables....he’s obviously a couple of French fries short a Happy Meal…

”duh oh?….am I in the way?”
“Oh – well how wuz I supposed to know? – that it’s a driveway I mean?”
“well I suppose those 4 big honking signs that say ”Brentwood Villa Driveway No Parking Allowed” might have been a dead giveaway!”
“well I didn’t want to park at the school cos there’s snow there”
“well there’s snow here and I’ve been holding up traffic for 15 minutes while I try to get in my driveway
“well fine –but I still don’t know why yer upset”
Gak!!! “I’ve got an idea – why don’t I go park up against yer front door so you can’t go home and we’ll see how you like it?”
*sigh*….”just get outta my driveway”

Don’tcha just love snow? cos there's surely no cure for stupid!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yep, there's idiots all over the place. One of the guys at work told me about a fellow that decided to park his car in the middle of the road and the snow covered it up (they live in a cul-de-sac). Well, the cops showed up and they refused to move it until they were told that a tow-truck would be by to pick it up for them and take it to the impound lot and that they'd have to pay $35 per day storage and the towing fees... they were convinced to move the car.

People get stupid when the snow hits the ground for some reason. Go figure.
