Friday, November 10, 2006

Then End....

When I announced a week ago that I was leaving I almost ended up with a batch resignations on my desk - the team wanted to leave - but I pulled them off the phones and into a meeting room and coached them not to burn bridges or make decisions around what's going on in my life - that their decisions need to be based on their lives...mouths to feed, mortgages to pay etc...

Yesterday I had a party during my last team meeting to talk to them and to give them little gifts to remember me by - our team is called the Devil Ducks after a little rubber devil bathtub duck and it has been for 2 years I presented each of them with a devil duck and had printed a little card and tied it with a ribbon around the duck's necks - the cards read "you will always be a Duck - you just have to believe in yourself as much as I believe in you -- Believe!"

Lots of us cried - and they'd also got me some presents and a big cake that was decorated with all my sayings.....
and a couple of the cards with the nicest send off messages....

Then the door opens and every Team Lead and Sup and Ops Manager in the barn came filing in and they sang "for she's a jolly good fellow" and the Sup from hell made a speech about how he's learned something about keeping the humanity in management from me and that I have definitely made an ongoing impact at the Corp - and that I dragged them all kicking and screaming into managing with compassion and real feelings and that I will truly be missed - and made me cry all over again - I told them that they'd finally found a way to shut me up!

Today will be my last day - and a little easier in some ways and a lot harder in others...I will miss my team desperately - but they are friends now and I like to think that they will stay in touch....I've been able to secure a good new TL for them - a fellow that was originally from my team and has been temping for a yr made TL so I do my handover today - finish clearing out my desk and then it's on to the new life!

Kinda chrysalis like

I start Tuesday and I am sooo stoked!

1 comment:

Cinderella said...


That was nice to see a decent send off at that place.

I cant think of a more desirving person